Interested In Buying

Our Grass-fed Beef In Bulk

At Up to 20% Off retail value?

We are offering 1/2 and 1/4 cow purchasing options of our award-winning grass-fed beef at up to a 20% discount off the total retail price. 

We will make this easy. We will work with you to decide the cuts you want, coordinate with the butcher to get you those cuts and deliver the packaged meat to your door, all for one price. Just contact us, we will do the rest.

To help you decide, here are the answers to the main questions we get:

  • How much meat comes from a half cow? The weight of the final cuts varies based on the size of the cow but the average for a  half cow is approxiamtely150 lbs. A quarter cow’s worth of end cuts averages  75 lbs.
  • What kinds of cuts are available? Here is a breakdown of cuts for a half medium-sized cow of 150 lbs. of packaged meat:
    • Ground Beef – 60 lbs.
    • Roasts (Chuck, Rump, Eye, Tri-cut) – 10 lbs.
    • Stew Meat – 20 lbs.
    • Filet/Tenderloin – 3 lbs.
    • Strip Steaks – 6 lbs.
    • Rib Eyes (Bone-In & Boneless) – 6 lbs.
    • Sirloin Steaks – 6 lbs.
    • Brisket – 6 lbs.
    • Short Ribs – 5 lbs.
    • Hangar, Flank, Skirt – 6 lbs. 
    • Liver – 2 lbs.
    • Knuckle Bones – 6 lbs.
    • Soup/Broth Bones – 15 lbs..
  • Do I have to take all the cuts of meat? No. Some people don’t want the organ meat. We can substitute other cuts. Some people want more ground beef and less stew which is also fine.
  • Where do you raise your cows? Our cows are raised on our ranch which is near Abilene. They only eat grass and are not given grain or artificial hormones. We ship them to our ranch in Elgin where they eat only grass until we take them to the processor.
  • Some people talk about hanging weight but you are selling your meat at the packaged, final cut weight. What’s the difference?    The hanging weight is the weight of the carcass after the hide, head and entrails have been removed. The hanging weight determines the price the butcher charges to cut and package the beef. Some companies sell their cows based on the hanging weight because they ask their customers to work directly with the butcher to finalize the cut sheet, pay the processor directly and pick up the meat at the processor. We have tried to simplify the process by having our prices based on the packaged meat you receive, and include delivery to your house as part of our price.
  • How big of a freezer do I need? Double check this information with your freezer retailer but usually 1 cubic foot holds 30 lbs. of meat. So you would need approximately 5 cubic feet for a half cow.
  • Will you split up an order if a couple of families want to share a cow? Absolutely. We have had a number of families share a cow. We can break down your order by family and will create separate packages for each family, bill each family separately and deliver the meat to each family.
  • How does the payment process work? We ask for a 20% deposit when you place your order with the balance due when we deliver your meat.
  • What’s next? Please email us at or call us at 512-229-4043


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Svante's Ranch Direct | Since 1882 | Austin Texas

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